We can’t go on living in the stone ages, so we have to face the fact that the web, somewhere along the 2000’s, became more of a visual medium than a text-based medium. So, while good ol’ text is still relevant (being the only thing a search engine can find effectively so far), video shows off your product or service like no other kind of content can.
If you’re maintaining a website about Bali tourism, you’ll want to post a video or two showcasing all that Bali has to offer. But you’re in luck! Bali is one of the most delightful regions in the world to view on video. Your only problem will be in choosing from all the options…or web designers (if you haven’t got one already).
#1 The Beach. Obvious choice here, since Bali is surrounded by one. You want to avoid the overcrowded areas like Kuta Beach or Denpasar. Try one of the less-traveled beaches during the off-season, so the camera can show the unspoiled nature. Catch a fisherman or seaweed farmer in the distance. catch some dolphins jumping out of the water.