Starting a Bali villas business is a huge step, even for experienced entrepreneurs.

In truth, starting any business is a significant commitment, however, when you are doing so in another country, the word daunting is a word many would use to describe the journey ahead.

One of the biggest concerns that entrepreneurs have when starting a business in Bali is the legalities that exist and the differences in legislation that exist there.

It has to be borne in mind that Bali is not an independent country with its own laws. It is part of Indonesia and thus it is Indonesian law that pertains there.

Indonesian laws which will most impact your Bali villas rental business will be property laws, commercial/business laws, taxation laws and employment laws, should you be employing local staff for your business.

We are going to assume that you have never studied Indonesian law, so you must acquire the services of one or more local lawyers or legal experts who can guide you through the tangled web of applicable Indonesian laws relating to your new business.

What is key here is that you choose the right lawyers and legal experts, and below we have outlined five steps you can take to ensure that you do so.

Determine What Your Needs Are

The first step is to establish exactly what sort of legal help and assistance you require.

For example, if you do not plan to hire staff locally, but instead will use an agency, then a local employment lawyer is not required.

Beyond this, you need to decide which legal experts and lawyers you are going to use on a one-off basis or keep on a retainer.

Ask Others For Referrals

By far the most reliable way to determine which local lawyers or legal experts you should approach for help is to find out which ones have been used by those in the same scenario as you.

Ideally, you want anyone who has a Bali villa rentals business or similar to point you to those that they have found to be the most knowledgeable and helpful.

Research Their Website

Although a website will not categorically tell you the suitability of a specific lawyer, it can help you to rule out those whom you do not feel are right.

If their website looks dated, has scant information, and seems amateurish, it is best to pass. Otherwise, look for websites that look professional and especially those containing reviews from previous clients.

Establish Exactly What Areas Of Indonesian Law They Can Help You With

A mistake foreign entrepreneurs often make is they hire a lawyer in Bali who knows several areas of local law, but unfortunately is not what can be described as an expert in any of them.

Remember,  you may be investing a significant amount in your business, so it is essential that your make sure your lawyer or legal representative knows their specific area of Indonesian law inside out.

Visit Their Offices To Confirm They Are Legitimate And Professional

We assume if you are starting a Bali villas business that you will be visiting the island on at least one occasion, if not more. Use your first trip there as an opportunity to visit the offices of the lawyers you are thinking of hiring.

This will tell you a lot about their professionalism and will also allow you to gauge your confidence in them as the right lawyer for you.
